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Forum: Koleksi Cerita
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No New Posts Che'gu Berahim and Man Dol
Kisah ini antara seorang guru bernama Che'gu Berahim dan murid bernama Man Dol. Waktu sekolah telah tamat.sebelum keluar kelas, Che'gu Berahim telah bertanya kpd murid˛nya. Che'gu : Siapa nak pergi@masuk syurga? Semua murid mengangkat tangan kecuali Man Dol lalu Che'gu Berahim pun bertanya,...
md_azrin 1 1877
No New Posts Mana Chimpeng?
I was looking for an empty space to park my car at Bangsar when suddenly there's a knock on the glass "Encik ah..tanya sikit ah..itu Chimpeng mana ah..?" "Apa?" "Chimpeng, Chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia ckaap sini ada satu Chimpeng..." "Sorr...
anif 0 1257
No New Posts Want To Know Why U're Working So Hard?
On the very first day of the world, God created the cow. He said to the cow, "Ah Gu (cow), today I have created you! Your job is to go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will provide the energy to pull things! You will also provide milk for people to drink! You are to work all day under the sun! I...
anif 0 1300
No New Posts Kisah Suami Kedekut.....
Sepasang suami isteri, dah lama kahwin. Si suami teramat lah kedekut, bukan setakat taik idung masin,Taik mata pun masin gak. Salah satu xtvt tahunan mereka ialah mengunjungi satu pameran udara. Tahun pertama, si isteri nak sangat naik sebuah pesawat ringan. Pergilah mereka berjumpa dengan pil...
anif 0 1392
No New Posts You're Always By My Side.......(very touching)
A man was walking across the road when he met with an accident. The impact was on his head which caused him to be in a coma for 2 days. When he opened his eyes, his wife was by his side. He told her (in tears), "When I was struggling with my studies in the University, I failed again and again. Sometimes I e...
anif 0 1254
No New Posts Chinese man vs Spielberg
A Chinese walks into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg. As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph. Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says, "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get outta here." The astonished Ch...
anif 0 1335
No New Posts George Bush
George Bush is visiting the Queen of England. He asks her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?" "Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people." Bush frow...
anif 0 1214
No New Posts Datuknametoolongitis
I suffer from an incurable disease. Its called Datuknametoolongitis . Datuknametoolongitis is typically characterised by the sufferer's inability to remember people's names in full, especially that of the Datuks. At best the sufferer can absorb the first three syllables of the name....
anif 0 1115
No New Posts Our English
Who says our English is teruk.? Just see below - Ours is simple,short,concise, straight-to-point, effective etc......... WHEN GIVING A CUSTOMER BAD NEWS Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outl...
anif 0 1081
No New Posts TruE sToRy...Dun MiSS iT...
Hi frens, This is a true story of a young college gurl who  past away last month,  at  shah alam. her name is Priya.she was hit by a lorry. i dont wanna mention the name of the college. She have a boy friend named Shankar. he  stays in  johor. both of them are true lovers. they al...
anif 0 1074
No New Posts Hantu Peti Sejuk
Cerita ni aku terbaca kat dalam dalam internet...  Sekadar untuk menghibur. "Tersebutlah kisah dua orang hantu. Mereka ni baru bertemu lalu mereka pun berborak la untuk mengisi masa lapang kehidupan mereka sebagai hantu. Sepanjang perbualan mereka, Hantu B ni tak habis-habis menggigi...
md_azrin 1 1131
No New Posts Cerita Lucu
Masalah Pendengaran Udin pergi berjumpa doktor mengeluh tentang isterinya yang sudah hilang pendengaran. "Seberapa burukkah pendengarannya?" tanya doktor. "Entahlah, Doktor. Yang jelas saya mesti menjerit kalau nak berbual dengannya." "Okey, cuba buat macam nie. Berdiri sejauh 6 m...
sunny 1 1122
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